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TRANZX JD113Q Magnetic Rear Wheel Indoor Trainer. is very popular product and also bestseller on amazon website right now!!! And TRANZX JD113Q Magnetic is high quality products from TRANZX . Following my long search I determined that at amazon is cheapest and guaranteed shipping as well. Normally ships with 24 hours.
Here are some of the great features of TRANZX JD113Q Magnetic Rear Wheel Indoor Trainer.
TRANZX JD113Q Magnetic, TRANZX JD113Q Magnetic Rear Wheel Indoor Trainer. JD113Q trainer uses Magnetic resistance allowing it to be smooth and very quiet, and it's pre-set at medium/hard resistance. Fits all road and mountain bikes (26", 700c & 28") ! Quick release skewer is included
- Fits all road and mountain bikes (26", 700c & 28") !
- TRANZX JD113Q Magnetic Rear Wheel Indoor Trainer.
- JD113Q trainer uses Magnetic resistance allowing it to be smooth and very quiet, and it's pre-set at medium/hard resistance.
- Quick release skewer is included.
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